Hi there,
My name is Jackson. I’m going to write about myself a little bit. I hope that’s cool. Here’s my story.
I was born and raised in Nashville in the beating heart of music city. My parents had moved to the city to chase my father’s dream of being a country star. He went on to become a music producer in the Nashville. I grew up playing Xbox in the lounge of my parents’ recording studio while session players came in and out all day. But while I was always around music, my deeper love didn’t come until I was 16 years old when I started writing songs about my parents’ divorce, my own failed attempts at love, and my lack of belonging in private school.
In 2016 I began studying Music Business at Belmont University in Nashville. There I met my producer and long-time friend Jason Bennett. Hiding from the Nashville country music scene, Jason and I snuck away to his East Nashville apartment to experiment with song and production ideas. Those experimentations culminated in 2018 when I released “Dirt”, which was quickly followed by two singles “Honey” and “Misty”.
After releasing those songs, I began to believe that I could have a career in music. In 2019, I ambitiously set out to write a full length album. Two years later I independently released A New Child (produced by Jason Bennett) - an album exploring a developing depression, falling in love, and trying to find direction. This album got a bunch of playlist features, some pretty cool positive reviews, and a nomination for Best Self-Released Album (by A2iM).
Still recovering from the pandemic, I released two more small projects: Garden Gloves - a folk pop project with my partner at the time; and From a Warm Valley - a collection of songs I wrote at my grandpa’s Virgina farm.
Then 2022 hit me like a ton of bricks. Like a stampede. Like a fucking avalanche. Torri and I broke-up. I had writer’s block. And I was feeling trapped in Nashville. So I trusted my artist intuition and sold everything to move across the ocean to London (where I’m sitting right now writing this!). This change has been the best decision I could have made. I’ve grown as a person; I’ve practiced my hand more with my photography; I’ve met some beautifully interesting people; And holy shit I wrote some songs.
It’s 2024 as I’m writing now. I’m preparing to record my second full-length album. The album recounts the stories, experiences, and perspectives I collected over the last 2 years and beyond. I had to be very patient, but I believe this record is going to be fantastic. I wonder sometimes if I over-think everything. Maybe so. But maybe it makes my music more honest and intentional.
Anyway, I’m pumped for the future. Life has gotten pretty manageable these days. Thanks for reading this. If you’re a fan, I hope to see you at a show soon!
I love you,
For bookings, fan mail, or if you want to give me a record deal, email me: